Saturday 19 May 2018

OUGD502 - SB02 - Individual Input



Individual Input

Individual input
As a team, we divided the tasks
We had to develop initial ideas
Research into production methods
Find recycled materials / textures for each course
Create a presentation.

Together we were responsible for developing initial ideas. Together we mind mapped ideas and created mood boards. From there we focused on key aspects of our design and delegated tasks. I was responsible for the creation of potential sketches, mock ups and research into lighting, both for decorative and functional use. We developed our developed our ideas through a series of sketches. Once the team was happy with the direction we were taking, I began mocking up the designs. I did this using Photoshop and Illustrator to give the presentation a professional feel. When we were happy with our outcome we compiled all our information, from research to final graphics. We created a presentation. Myself and Sophie were responsible for presenting the presentation. Together we wrote a script. We then condensed the script into bullet points to use as prompts during the presentation as we wanted to avoid reading straight from the page. This made us interact with the audience more.

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