Sunday, 20 May 2018

OUGD502 - SB02 - Evaluation




This brief involved working as a team to create a wayfinding system for the new Leeds Arts University building. I completed a wayfinding brief in first year, so I felt confident when approaching this project. I already knew what wayfinding was and the key aspects that were essential to a successful wayfinding system.
The brief had very few restriction. I always find it more difficult to produce innovative ideas when the brief is so open. I find when there are rules that the design must follow it is much easier to push boundaries and generate new ideas and ways of thinking.
Working with a team has its pros and cons. It is a great way to produce loads of ideas and the majority of our outcome consisted of bringing individual ideas together to create a streamlined end product. Every team member had a different skill set or was more confident in one area of design than another. This worked to our benefit as it meant the more confident speakers were able to present the presentation, the more capable designers brought together the imagery and the better writers provided the copy. Working as a team does not come without its complications. At some points it was difficult to organise a place and time to meet and occasionally I felt some people were working harder than others. However, I think the benefits of working as a team out weight the negative aspects.
I presented the pitch. I find it nerve racking but it’s something I need to improve on so I volunteered for the role. I understand that the only way I will improve and gain more confidence is by participating in public speaking more often. 
The main thing I appreciated about this brief was that it forced me to practise presenting in front of an audience. I thought there was room for more constructive criticism from other groups before we pitched our outcomes as I find it difficult to spot flaws in my own work. I also found the design aspects quite frustrating as we didn't have floor plans to the spaces we were designing. If I were to complete this brief again I would focus more on primary research and spread the design work among more team members to create a more substantial body of work. 

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