Thursday 18 January 2018

OUGD502 - SB02 - Considerations and requirements



The Brief 

This brief is to create a wayfinding and imagery for the building and the various courses and facilities. 

The work should cover all areas of this wayfinding and human interaction and will be to proposal level. A rationale of who and where we can connect with staff, visitors and students.

Consider BIG IDEAS and try to be innovative, creative in all areas. As mentioned, manufacturing is NOT essential, concepts that cover the brief in the most 'fresh' creative and reasoned way.

Evidence of research into appropriate online social/professional/creative networks.

You must make reference to the module resources materials, books and web sites to demonstrate your understanding of basic marketing and business principles.

You should ensure that any material, discussions and reflections generated during taught sessions, workshop and group critiques are evidenced for assessment.

  • What skills and services do you have to offer individually and as a group?
  • Who is your target market?
  • What form will your showcase take?
  • What are your costs, charges and financial considerations?
  • How will you structure your collective?
  • Who will be responsible for what?
  • How will you promote your showcase? To who? Using what media?
  • Is it set in a physical location ? then where?
  • How will you manage communication through the group
  •  All areas of interaction
  • Human Iteractions (connection with staff, visitors and students)

A 10 minute Deck/pdf or similar presentation (including 3 minutes of Q&A)
Appropriate visual aids and printed material to support your presentation.
Evidence of the research and development of your presentation and visual material should be posted to your PPP blog and labelled with the module code. You should also post pdf versions of your presentation, notes and handouts to your PPP blog. Please save a PDF for submission.

Research (Existing designs, different texture, how plants will be used, number of colours/textures, human interaction with wayfinding,  recycled materials from courses - primary research) (Sophie and Lorna)
Methods of productions (how interchangeable signs will be made, what materials will be needed, prices of neon lights) (Stretton)
Contracts (Emma)

Existing design
human interaction with wayfinding,

Textures / recycled materials 
How plants will be used

Plan: meet on Friday

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