Thursday 4 January 2018

OUGD502 - SB01 - Joshua Noom


Joshua Noom

Joshua Noom is an Illustrator and designer from Florida. His work if hand drawn, with an organic feel. I have been following him on social media for many years and really appreciate his style. 

Interview via email

Initial Email:

Hi Joshua,
My name is Lorna Milligan, I am currently studying Graphic Design at Leeds Arts University. As part of my personal and professional development I would love to do a short interview with you, to find out how you got into the creative industry and to chat about your career so far and where you envisage it in the future. I am a big fan of your style of illustrations and typography. It would be great to know a little more about how you got involved with these projects.

Response from Joshua:


Thats awesome. Yeh, I'd be happy to help. I cant promise I'll have the best answers, I'm still trying to figure some of this stuff out for myself haha. 


Cool, here you go:

Where did you study and what were some of your first jobs?
I studied at a local technical school in the area. It was a 2 year course and walked away with a certificate in Commercial Art, which I'm pretty sure means nothing hah. My first and only design job, other then freelance, was working for an automotive advertising agency. I was the guy putting together those horrible looking car ads that you seen in the newspaper. 

How did you develop your style as an illustrator and what tips would you have for others?
I think the my style has just kind of developed over time and I think it will probably keep evolving. After many attempts of trying new things and figuring out what works for me and what doesn't work for me, I've just kind of ended up here hah. 
Only advice I have would be to just keep working away. Try new things, until you find that thing that's fun. and you're kind of good at, then just run with it.

Where do you take your inspiration from and are there any designers out there right now that you really admire?
 I think you can find inspiration anywhere you let it. I try to pull inspiration from music and other art, but I think its best when it comes while just hanging out with my wife or with friends.
For sure, there are some many excellent designers out there. The obvious ones that come to mind are the groups like LAND or Young Jerks. But i've also been getting into the illustration side of things a little more, and one guy that I've really been diggin' is Mark Conlan.

What work excites you the most?
The work that excites me the most is probably the work that comes naturally, when it just kind of flows and I didnt have to stress or try too hard to put something together. That's always the best.

Do you have any advice for students or recent graduates?
It would probably be similar to my earlier advice.  Just keep at it. The more you put into the more you are gonna get out of it.

What would you like to achieve in 2018?
Well, its nothing crazy, but in 2018 I'd love to have the opportunity to work on some skate decks haha, I think that would be such a fun project to be a part of.

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