Thursday 4 January 2018

OUGD502 - SB01 - Interview Questions



Interview Questions

Interview questions were inspired by existing interviews on youtube and interviews with individuals and studios on The Design Kids.

Where did you study and what were some of your first jobs?

How did you develop your style as an illustrator and what tips would you have for others?

Where do you take your inspiration from and are there any designers out there right now that you really admire?

What work excites you the most?

Do you have any advice for students or recent graduates?

What would you like to achieve in 2018?

Can you explain what you do in a sentence?

What have been your highlights since starting out?

How would you describe your role at Backwash? (Chris McClean)

What is the most challenging job you have worked on?

What have been some of the biggest lessons you have learnt since starting out?

Could you describe 2017 in a sentence?

Could you describe 2017 in a word?

Do you have a must read book for creatives?

What was your original plan for when you graduated and what really happened?

What has been the best advice you have received?

Where do you gather inspiration?

What do you love about your job?

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