Tuesday 7 May 2019

OUGD602 - End of Module Evaluation


OUGD602 – Personal and Professional Practice Module Evaluation

I have created a brand that reflects me as a designer and a person as it is indicative of my style while including imagery relating to my interests. This module has pushed me to consider my own branding more deeply and shown me how to apply it across multiple collateral including CV, cover letters and portfolio. This makes me look like a much more rounded and professional creative to potential employers.
This year I completed three work placements. They all came about in very different ways. The first was much more traditional and was gained by applying online. The seconded was a much more drawn out process that involved meeting several times and many emails before a work placement was granted. The final work placement was through sending a poster to the studio. This received a great response and the creative director immediately suggested that I should participate in a work placement. PPP gave me direction to apply for these placements. It was very helpful when emails didn’t get any response.
PPP also gave me the confidence to apply for internships at companies I would never have dreamed of such as Apple. Although I didn’t get the job, I did get quite far within the interview process. That experience along with what I have learnt throughout this module through seminars and visiting professionals has gave me the confidence to apply for jobs in the future.
My short-term goal is to gain a 3 to 4 month paid internship at Agency TK where I recently completed a work placement. I hope to keep a good relationship with the creative director and approach him about an internship when I invite him and the studio to the End of Year Show. I then hope to go travelling in 2020 for as long as possible. I hope to work on my practice while travelling by improving my illustration skills and doing some freelance work. I feel like PPP has given me the skills I need to maintain a freelance practice. This includes a greater understanding of tax and business management.

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