Tuesday 8 November 2016

OUGD402 - Time management

Time Management

Have to do:

  • College Work
  • Blog Posts
  • Be nice to people
  • Go to work
  • Wash clothes
  • Clean bathroom
  • Sleep
  • Eat
  • Cook
  • Take the bins out
  • Tidy the flat

Want to do:

  • Draw more 
  • Watch more movies
  • Be happy
  • See my brothers
  • Go surfing
  • Do more photography
  • Go to more gigs
  • Go to London at Christmas
  • Travel all 7 continents 
  • Take my mum island hoping around Scotland
  • Learn Arabic
  • Do a triathlon
  • Go to Glastonbury 
  • Climb a mountain

Weekly Planning:

In order to make the most of my spare time I have made a time table so I can see where I have free time. this will help me complete the tasks I need to do and make time to so things I want to do.

Next week I have:
168 hours
56 hours are sleeping
14 hours contact time
7 hours at my part time job
11 hours training (gym and swim)
6 hours walking to and from places.
17 hours of independent uni work
12 hours of cooking, cleaning and doing laundry 
This leaves me with 45 hours per week where I am able to do things I want to do. 

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