Monday 5 November 2018

OUGD602 - Born + Raised


Summer Placement

6A2 6B2 6C2 6D2

Over the summer I completed a week long placement at Born + Raised in Sheffield.

Born + Raised is a 'Strategic creative agency' run by creative director Bew Knox, managing director Andy Weir and head of design Yvette Weir.

At first I just asked Bew for some advice, he then invited me to the studio to have my book crited by Yvette and Louise Greensmith (senior designer). From there I asked if there were any placement opportunities and they set me on for the first week of September.

During my time at Born + Raised I completed an old brief as well as some other smaller tasks. I then presented my outcome to Bew an Louise at he end of the week.

The brief was to brand a new trampoline warehouse in Liverpool called Air Unltd.

This is what I produced:


Colour Scheme


Website Design

Poster Design
View on my portfolio:

Animated assets can be viewed on my design instagram account: 

This was what Born + Raised came up with:

Designed by Jack Salmons (Senior Designer)

At the end of the placement I was asked to write a blog about my experience:

My week at Born + Raised.

As a final year graphic design student I’ve been searching high and low for the chance to work in a design agency. When the lovely people at Born + Raised offered me a week of work experience I jumped at the chance.

During my week I had a go at answering a past brief, sat in on some conference calls and added the finishing touches to a story board for an upcoming advert. All very exciting, but more importantly I got a feel for how Born + Raised runs as a studio. I gained an understanding of how creatives work together with account managers and office staff to meet the needs of their clients and saw the pace at which work is completed. (Art school doesn’t teach you these things.)

I have really enjoyed my time at Born + Raised, the agency has a great atmosphere and coffee on tap. I’m not sure I’m ready for the 9 to 5 lifestyle quite yet but I’m sure this experience will help me greatly as I begin my final year at University. 

Tips for students looking for a work placement:
It’s all about starting a conversation. Don’t go straight for the kill and ask for a placement in your first email. Find out who you need to be talking to and get to know them. Find out if its the kind of place you could see yourself working and if the content they produce excites you. 

Thanks to Bew, Louise, Yvette and all the staff at Born + Raised who have made me feel very welcome and part of the team.


Keeping in Contact:

I plan to keep in touch with the people at Born and Raised. I have connected with them on linked in and have there contact details. I plan to invite Bew and Louise to our end of year show. 

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