Friday 9 November 2018

OUGD602 - Planning and Focusing Techniques


Planning and Focusing Techniques
6A2 6B2  Long-term Planning


It is November 2028.

Personal life
I live in Barcelona and can speak Spanish.
Go to the beach everyday
Ready to start a family
Huge dog, called Ralph
Stable relationship
Go back to the UK every year to go to Glastonbury with my brothers
Christmas at my mums (who will live back in Scotland, she is happier there)
Go to the gym as much as I can and swim at least twice a week.
Every year my uni friends and I meet up in a different city

Working life
Have worked in New York and London
Have worked in big agencies previously.
Had experience as an Art Director
Now has a good network of people/clients/ designers
Pursued my interest in photography
Works on advertisements / film sets as a Director of Photography
When not on set, works as a freelance designer
Travels for at least a month every year
Earning a good amount, so that we are comfortable and don’t have to worry about money. We can indulge in holidays and good food

Between now and then
Worked as a beach lifeguard somewhere sunny
Learnt to surf
Worked as a surf instructor

Well travelled

 Focusing Techniques


Other Techniques
Pomodoro - 25 minutes of work. 5 minutes break. After 4 cycles (or an hour) take a 15 minute break.
Eat the Frog - Start the day with the most daugnting task. 

Planning and Time Management 

Stage 1 - Annual Goals
- Secured 2 work placements
- Have a clear idea of what job I want to pursue and how to get it.
- Start a relationship with a mentor/designer I admire

Stage 2 - Semester Goals
Semester 1
- Produce a CoP project that I am proud of
- Create something portfolio worthy

Semester 2
- Get shortlisted in a competition brief
- Feature in an Exhibition
- Feature in a publication
- Network with creatives and invite them to the degree show.

Stage 3 - Create an Hourly Plan

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