Friday 25 January 2019

OUGD602 - Pricing



Intern Article

The Price is Right
 6A2 6B2

Key info

‘You alone decide your rate.’
‘some of the most established practitioners on the planet still get pangs of imposter syndrome when the stakes get higher than they’ve ever been before. ‘
Fundamentally, your rate, fee or whatever else you want to call it, dictates how you work.’
‘as a creative, you need to think carefully of the context of your work each time you’re setting your rate.’
‘Sometimes, but I’d urge you to not rely on these by default, an hourly rate or a flat project fee might be appropriate. Other times, a value-based approach offers you far more appropriate compensation for your hard work.’

Hourly or Daily Rate
-       Bill clients for all work
-       Accounts for unforeseen issues / client changes
-       Discourages amends
-       Too moderate of a rate
-       Pressure from client to spend less time on the project
-       Not workable with many staff

Project-based Rate
-       An agreed, itemized, signed schedule will protect you from client add ons.
-       Clients may add extra deliverables within the agreed fee
-       Must have a good understanding of personal workflow, workload and calendar.
-       risky

Value-based Pricing
-       More holistic approach
-       You understand the clients goals
-       Reflection of the value you can add to their company
-       Requires more strategic thinking
-       Earnings link directly to performance

Pricing yourself has a lot to do with confidence. You have to understand
The worth of you’re work. I think it comes with experience. The most suitable pricing strategies for me currently is by hour or project based as I don’t feel I have the confidence to use the Value based approach. There are some issues with the hourly/project based rates but I am aware of them and will hopefully avoid them. Signed contracts implemented ahead of time should hopefully resolve some of the issues, along with pricing the work sensibly and realistically. The Value based pricing approach has the least number of disadvantages but requires the most amount of experience and industry knowledge. Therefore, I would implement this tactic when I am more familiar with the industry.

Next Steps:
Talk to those who are further along in their career
Calculate overheads

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