Saturday 4 February 2017

OUGD402 - Title, Payoff and Description


Title, Payoff and Description.

We are currently working on a self branding project in PPP. The aim of this session was to come up with a title, a catchy payoff and a description for our personal brand. I found it very difficult to summarise myself in just one sentence and explain what I specialise in when Im not sure myself. However, I do realise that I can change my branding at any point in my career.

by the end of the session I came up with:

'Lorna Milligan

Designer with a passion for illustration, colour and swimming,
I'll probably be in the pool. '

I don't like my final outcome. I think it could be funnier and more interesting. I will research other designers to get a better understanding of what works and what doesn't. 

Looking at what my course mates had produced was very helpful. 

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